
Natural Rattlesnake Bite Treatment for Dogs
by Jeff Gold

(Although rattlesnake bites are the most severe, this same method can be used
for any pit viper snake bite including copperhead bites and cottonmouth bites.)

Prevent a bite before it happens: Rattlesnake Avoidance Training in Georgia

Watch this video of "Miso" recovering just 24-hours after being bitten by a snake...

A veterinarian said she had only a 10% chance of survival if given 7 days of hospitalization at a cost of over $3,000.
The vet also said she had no chance at all, if not hospitalized. Having successfully treated another dog with a similar
bite in the past, we decided instead to try a more natural approach. Miso began to recover within 24 hours!

Below are the steps we followed to save Miso, and another dog Chalupa (see photo to the left), who had a similar bite 7 years earlier.
We cannot guarantee this method will help your dog. We recommend you show this information to a holistic veterinarian in your area.

You and your veterinarian must then determine what you think will best help your animal. Just because two of our own dogs who were
severely bitten by rattlesnakes recovered does not mean this treatment was the reason they recovered. (Although, I do think it was!)

Both of our dogs were acting normally within 24 hours, and neither had scarring, so I decided to share this even without absolute proof.
Step 1
Keep the dog calm. It will likely go into shock. If possible, do not let the dog walk on its own, this could cause venom to spread.
Step 2
Use a snake bite kit to remove as much venom as possible.
If two people are there, continue to remove venom while transporting the dog to a veterinarian.
Step 3
Transport the dog immediately to a local veterinarian and ask them to only administer Benadryl and IV fluids to help stabilize the dog.
Many vets will also want to provide antivenin, antibiotics, pain medicines, transfusions, etc. Only you and your vet can decide what to do,
but it is my personal belief that such treatments given to an already stressed animal could make it worse. Dogs I've observed with snake
bites normally don't exhibit excessive pain, and pain medications can adversely affect the heart and respiration, two systems which are
already stressed from the snake bite. Antibiotics are helpful, but they are not needed urgently and can upset the dog's system. Antivenin
can be helpful in some cases, but also can cause an allergic reaction which in itself can be fatal. Transfusions are very costly and don't
always help. For all of these reasons we just ask our veterinarian to administer fluids for two to three hours to stabilize the animal then
we take it home to begin a natural treatment. Consider this... Do you think your dog will recover better in a cage, or with you at home?
Step 4
After getting your dog home, lay it in a comfortable bed next to you, and provide it with a calm environment. If it has a favorite dog friend
which can be calm and help it heal, bring in that dog. Begin the treatment protocol in Steps 5a or 5b below depending on your dog's weight.
Step 5a
Follow these steps for dogs weighing more than 40 lbs. (18 kg.)

1. After returning home from the veterinarian, mix 5 teaspoons (25 grams) Vitamin C Powder with 1 cup water. You will use this solution for the next two days.

2. Use a syringe without a needle (available from most pharmacists) to slowly squirt 10cc of this liquid into the dog's mouth.

3. Follow this by giving the dog two (2) Yunnan Baiyao capsules.
(Yunnan Baiyao is a proven Chinese remedy to help blood clot. Rattlesnake venom contains a strong hemotoxin which prevents blood from clotting properly.)

4. Use the syringe to squirt another 10cc of the Vitamin C liquid into the dog's mouth to help get the capsules down.

Repeat steps 2 through 4 above every 30 minutes for 8 hours.

5. For the next two days, continue giving two (2) Yunnan Baiyao capsules with the Vitamin C liquid every 6 hours.

6. Give two (2) Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) 25 mg. every 8 hours for two days, and give one (1) Vitamin K1 100 mcg. (available at most health food stores) every 24 hours for two days.
Step 5b
Follow these steps for dogs weighing less than 40 lbs. (18 kg.)

1. After returning home from the veterinarian, mix 2-1/2 teaspoons (12.5 grams) Vitamin C Powder with 1/2 cup water. You will use this solution for the next two days.

2. Use a syringe without a needle (available from most pharmacists) to slowly squirt 5cc of this liquid into the dog's mouth.

3. Follow this by giving the dog one (1) Yunnan Baiyao capsule.
(Yunnan Baiyao is a proven Chinese remedy to help blood clot. Rattlesnake venom contains a strong hemotoxin which prevents blood from clotting properly.)

4. Use the syringe to squirt another 5cc of the Vitamin C liquid into the dog's mouth to help get the capsule down.

Repeat steps 2 through 4 above every 30 minutes for 8 hours.

5. For the next two days, continue giving one (1) Yunnan Baiyao capsule with the Vitamin C liquid every 6 hours.

6. Give one (1) Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) 25 mg. every 8 hours for two days, and give one (1) Vitamin K1 50 mcg. (available at most health food stores) every 24 hours for two days.
Step 6
After 24 hours, begin giving Cephalexin (Keflex) to your dog for 10 days to prevention infection.
(You will need to get a prescription for this from your veterinarian.)

If this protocol helps you – or even if it doesn't ― please email us and let us know what happens if you try it.
I need to hear from more people to find out if we just got lucky with our dogs, or if this method really works.

Watch this video of "Miso" fully recovered just 4 days after being bitten...
While watching, remember the vet said she would most likely die without 7 days of hospitalization!

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